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This piece is a gentle offering, a drift for those moments of quietude or introspection.

It's an invitation to meander, to let the world guide your steps.

It's an invitation to be open to the confluence of self and the vast world outside, to see how they blend and contrast.


Step away from the familiar confines of indoors… embrace the open air…

Pause for a moment, once outside… to observe… to sense…

Notice the expanse above, the path below, what lies ahead and what's left behind…

Notice the spaces that connect…

Let the environment speak to you…

And effortlessly, discover patterns - paths - contours to pursue… it might be the dance of leaves… a distant melody… a playful shadow… a passerby… a forgotten trail… it might be the rhythm of the city's heartbeat… or the quiet whisper of the countryside….

Allow the journey to unfold naturally… trace these paths… engage in a dance of discovery…. perhaps you'll alter your rhythm… or the manner in which you move… as you embrace new contours…. perhaps you'll mimic the sway of the trees with your arms… or trace the skyline with your gaze…

Seeking patterns… paths…. creating and discovering… leaving and finding footprints…

Here, the invitation is to engage in what David Abram calls ‘the art of being fully present in a living, breathing world’ (p.89 Becoming Animal).

How might we cultivate a receptivity to be transformed by our encounters, yet maintain our distinctiveness, our unique boundaries?

Return to your familiar space… reflect on what you carry with you… pen down thoughts, sketch, or craft something.

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Drifting Canvas


Friday, 12 January 2024

A Journey of Senses and Surprises

Donna Moore

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